
LXG- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003) Explained | Webmagazine


At the beginning of the film, the robbery of England is witnessed. And this robbery was carrying out through an army tank. Even though this is an advanced way. This army tank was driving to rob a bank. The security guards of bank try hard to stop this tank. But it was not a child's play to stop it for them. This army tank reaches the locker while breaking the walls of the bank. And locker is damaged while driving the tank. Then the military gets off that tank. They had the automatic and high technological guns. Then their head named "Fantom" also gets off the tank. He steals a map of a city from that bank. England puts blame of this robbery on "Germany".  

Then "Fantom" is again shown who was abducting German scientist. At this time, Germany" alleges "England" for this kidnapping. Actually, "Fantom" was assaulting these countries. But those countries were putting blame on each other. As a result, a battle broke out between these countries . Afterwards, An England's agent comes on the scene. Who had arrived to support England, , for a mission and to meet a person for taking his help . And the person's name was " Allan" whom he had come to ask for help. Actually, " Allan" used to serve for England in the beginning. At this time, he directly refuses for this job. Meanwhile, Fantom's military tries to assassinate " Allan", coming there. But " Allan" faces them bravely. So they are unable to end " Allan". "Fantom" who was making other countries under attacks. Now " Allan" goes to England where he meets a man. In fact, this man was grouping the people for his mission to stop "Fantom". And that man was the leader of this mission whom" Allan" had met right now. The second member of league is also shown there. Who is a captain. Then the third member of league also approaches there. Who is not seen because he is invisible. A scientist had invented a formula to make things invisible. And this league member applied that formula on himself after the death of that scientist. So, he became invisible from that time. This invisible man had been included in this league because of his trait to be invisible. Now they all were waiting for the fourth member of the league. Then a lady reaches there and all are surprised to witness her. Because they had not thought that their league member will also be a lady. Now everyone has some kind of trait. So all were silent to check, Which ability that this lady possesses. 

The fifth member of the league had not approached there. So they all move to him. They drive in a high technological vehicle to reach there. It was also so advanced. And this vehicle belongs to that captain. The captain's ability included that he had many advanced technologies. Now they reach the house of the fifth member of the league. And this fifth members' name was " Dorian Gray". " Dorian Gray" was not calling them inside. Suddenly, that woman appears before him. Seeing that lady, " Dorian Gray" allows them to enter. Because they were familiar with each other a time ago. " Dorian Gray" tells them that I cannot join you in this mission. Meantime, Fantom's military reaches there, pointing them guns. Here "Fantom" reveals to all of them about his aim behind this mission. He tells , I want to break out a World War. So the people fight a battle with one another. So I may sell my own built advanced weapons to them. In fact, "Fantom" was manipulating it to sell his weapons. So his weapons' demand may reach at a high level. Then one more boy arrives on the scene there. Who begins to fire his gun to stop the military of "Fantom". Which creates a havoc there. And the people disperse in fear. 

Then " Allan" and his league was killing the soldiers of "Fantom" while fighting with them. Meanwhile, "Gray" is seen there. Who was wandering there comfortably in spite of the firing. As nothing has happened there and everything is as per routine. Then many bullets pierce "Gray". But he remains alive in spite of the sharp shooting. Even the bullets shot's wounds are also disappeared. Actually, "Gray" was owned with many abilities. Now that new boy runs after "Fantom" to catch him. Being defeated, "Fantom" and his companions flee. Coming outside, a hidden soldier there catches that lady. And he points a knife on her neck. And he orders all of them, Drop your weapons! Hearing it, they all carry it out. They drop their weapons. Suddenly, that lady begins to suck his blood while biting him. And she kills him. Here it is known, this lady is a vampire disguised human being. Those people had no knowledge before! That the trait of this lady is this as she is a vampire. And all are left astonished because of this lady's ability. Then "Allan" asks the new boy, Who are you? Why have you come here? That boy tells, I am an agent from London! "Allan" also joins this boy in his league. Now they all are moving to take their last member of their league. And they were going there by captain's big and advanced ship. Then a monstrous human being is appeared which was running. "Allan" and that agent were struggling to capture it. Because this monster was the last member of their league. 

Then they take it to the ship while entrapping it. All the seated people in the ship begin to fear from it. Then "Allen" offers a deal before that monstrous human being. As we will send you back to your home if you help us in our mission . And you will also be exempted . Now that monstrous human being transforms itself into the human being. In fact, he had such a formula through which he may transform him into another look for a time. Now their league had extended to 7 members. It means their league had the complete members. Now they had to stop Fantom's further attack. Because they had knowledge that "Fantom" will target a city built on the water. At the start of the movie, "Fantom" had stolen the map of the same city from that bank to destroy it. After this, "Allan" and his league begin to move to that city. Then camera's flash powder is found in captain's cabin on that ship. Then "Allan" is shown who targets a place a miles away, lifting a ball. "Allan" was skilled even though it was not an easy task. Now "Allan" asks his member agent to do the same. He asks the agent to target that ball, lying the miles away. But that agent targets without any thought. Consequently, his target is missed. Then that lady was checking that camera's flash powder. Which was found out from the captain's cabin. Then "Gray" also approaches there. Then the lady tells him, This powder actually releases from the camera's flash. It is appearing that someone is trying to steal their science idea. How they may build the high technological things. But "Gray" tries to intervene that lady, So that she may not focus on such facts! Then that monstrous human being is seen who was trying to control his inner monster. Then he immediately checks the bottle of his formulas. He checks that one of the formula bottles is disappeared. Then that monstrous human being tell everyone that my one formula bottle is misplaced. And I am sensing that it has been stolen by that invisible man. And that invisible man is missing from many days and we did not catch his sight. Then they reach the city built on the water where "Fandom" was going to assault. There was an going on an event. So they had to detect the bomb which was fixed by "Fantom". The bomb is detonated as they get off from their ship. Because this city had been built on the water , So the collapse of other building occurs with the collapsing of one building. Then "Allan" says if we want to save this city, Then we should collapse that building which is falling down. So the adjoining buildings of that building may not collapse due to this. Then that agent drives Captain's vehicle there. Then "Allan" , "Gray" and that lady get in that car. And they ask captain to keep an eye on our vehicle. And just shoot the missile as we signal.

As a result, that building will collapse, and the whole city will be saved from any destruction. Now they were driving towards the collapsing building. But Fantom's soldiers begin to fire their guns on them on the way. Then "Gray" gets off the vehicle to stop them. And that lady also comes outside from the vehicle. Here that lady was making a way for "Allan" and that agent. Then that agent signals , reaching to that collapsed building. As a result, that captain fires the missile. So that building is collapsed which was already falling down. And the whole city is saved. Then "Allan" witnesses "Fantom". So he pursues him. Then "Fantom" hides himself, going to a mysterious place. And he says after being hidden , I know about you all! I know how you lost you own son because of your own mistake. "Allan" says, hearing it, I also know about your that detective! Who was sent in our league by you. "Fantom" says to him, What do you think that invisible man is my detective? It is totally wrong! Then the captain's ship is shown. Here "Gray" fires his gun on captain's companion. It means that invisible man was not deceptive but "Gray". Then "Allan" goes to his league and reveals a great secret to them. That "Fantom" is not anyone else but actually the head of this mission who has sent us here. Now their whole matter was more entangled. Their all members were there except invisible man and "Gray". Then that captain's companion who had been targeted by "Gray. He comes outside in wounded condition. He tells that the traitor is not any other person but "Gray. He is not an invisible man. Saying it, he meets his end. Then a submarine moves from the ship where "Gray" was seated. Who escapes from there. Then the rest of the people also move away, boarding in that ship. Now it has become enigma to understand this fact. That the head of the mission who sent them to stop "Fantom", He himself is "Fantom". Then ship begins to create a sound.

Then a companion of captain brings a file there, He tells, it is creating the sound! There was tap recording in the file belonged to "Gray" and head of the mission. Gray says, Now you will have to know that, I am not well wisher of my country. Because the head of the mission has replaced my faithfulness with a specific thing. Then head of the mission says in that recording that, What was happening with all of you till now, was mere a deception! You were entangled in this mission so we may get out goal! Because I am going to invent a strange weapon in the coming time. And that weapon has been built , uniting the powers of all of you. And "Gray" was here to unite all of their powers and capacities. As the advanced technologies of the captain, the traits of that lady as being vampire, The secret of disappearance of the invisible man, And the transformation formula of that monstrous human being was included. Uniting them , I will build a weapon and the military, Which will exactly change the coming time. The head of the mission says to them, You are surely all thinking it that, Why am I revealing it to all of you? And you will also attempt to stop me. But it is incredible! You cannot stop me. Because we have fixed a bomb in your ship. Which will be exploded within 10 seconds. And you will all die with the sinking of this ship. And the bomb is exploded in the ship after 10 seconds. And the water begins to enter the ship's board where bomb had exploded. Captain suggests on it, We will have to close the half part of ship to avoid the sinking of ship. So the ship may not be flooded. They are exerting it that monstrous human being appears there. Jumping inside, he asks to close the door. Going inside, he takes his formula. Doing so, he pulls the liver which causes to pour the water out. As a result, the water is poured out of the ship and they are secured. Then captain's companion tells that we are getting a signal from a place. And this is the place where invisible man is present. According to the invisible man, I am hidden in the ship of "Gray" and head of the mission. That invisible man also reveals the place of "Gray" and the head of the mission. Then they sail to the told place of invisible man after repairing their ship. After a while, they reach the frosty mountains.

They had to go on foot because of the heavy fall of snow. Then they get the place of the head of the mission. They begin to wait for invisible man. Because he had a proper knowledge about this place. Then that invisible man appears there after a time. He tells everyone that I knew you all doubted me in this ship! So I thought it will be better for me to be invisible! Then that invisible man begins to reveal about that place. That "Fantom" had abducted the military to built those advanced weapons. And the soldiers' family was being tormented on their refusal. For this cause, "Fantom" is being served forcefully by these soldiers. Then they make a plan as that lady will control "Gray", While captain and the monstrous man will release the prisoners, And "Allan" says, Agent and I will face "Fantom". And that invisible man will fix the bomb to explode this building. After this, the head of the mission and "Gray " are seen together. Here it is known , why they were got together. Because the head of the mission had stolen one of the paintings of "Gray". It was not an ordinary painting but "Gray" was eternal due to this painting. And "Gray" may be killed in one way while bringing his painting in front of him. In this way, the spell of "Gray" will be ended and he will be finished. Then they all enter the building. They begin to act according to their plan. That invisible man fixes all the bombs on their exact places. While captain and monstrous human being begin to free the prisoners. Then one more gigantic monster appears there which had also taken the monster's formula. That captain starts beating that monstrous human being. They both hardly able to kill that monster. While there was going on fight between that lady and "Gray". Their fight continues for a while because of their being immortal. Meanwhile, that lady sticks "Gray" with a wall, attacking him with a knife. Later, she brings his painting in front of him. Staring at it, Gray's spell is vanished. And his body begins to perish. Afterwards, a costumed person assaults "agent", And that man had a machine to expel the fire . And he was expelling fire there through it. Coming there, invisible man begins to divert the attention of costumed person to save agent.

As a result, that invisible man's body catches fire. Then that agent attacks that costumed person. Doing so, that agent leaves from there. That costumed man burns to die because of his wounded body. Agent observes coming outside that invisible man's whole body has burnt. And he is losing his breath. At first sight, that invisible man is also died. Then it is seen that the head of the mission and "Allan" are fighting. But head of the mission fires his gun on "Allan". After this, he runs away after jumping. Meantime, agent approaches there and "Allan" says to the agent, Shoot that head of the mission hurriedly! Agent says, It is beyond my reach because he has gone far! Agreeing with "Allan", he targets him with full concentration. So the head of the mission also meets his end at the spot. He knows after observing that "Allan" has also died. Then they explode that building after bringing all prisoners outside. Their two senior members had been killed in this mission. Then they sail to discover the whole World in captain's ship. Because they have been surviving covertly till now for many days. They can now live freely. The movie ends here. Thank you for your time.