
Superman - Man of Steel (2013) Movie Explained | WebMagazine


A planet is viewed at the start of the film, where the awkward creatures dwell. That planet's name is "Krypton". And inhabitants of that planet were worried, Because "Krypton" was gradually rooting out. There a baby comes into life in the house of a couple. The name of baby's father was "Jor-El". He was also upset because of his planet's condition. He wanted to get the genetic codex of his planet. It means a thing which had the DNA of planet with all sorts of information. 

Employing it, another planet could be populated like this planet. He goes to the supreme council for this cause and demands genetic codex from them. That I want to save this planet. But he does not give him genetic codex. Then the General appears there with his troop. He was hearing all so he fires his gun on the council's member. Actually, he was also in pursuit of genetic codex. He was evil minded. He wanted if we transfer the inhabitants of our planet to another, Then the inhabitants of another planet should be ended. But Jor-El's thought was different. He wanted that all live as being united. There is great fight between them, arguing this issue. Somehow, "Jor-El" comes outside. Then he calls his pet-dragon and leaves that place, riding on it. Then "Jor-El" goes in search of genetic codex and General also approaches there after him. He also attempts to attack him at that place. But Jor-El's dragon rescues him from there, getting the injury itself. "Jor-El" had got that genetic codex luckily. Anyhow, he hands over that codex to his wife after coming there. And he says, Take it! And infuse its DNA in our son! Because the planet " Krypton" is going to destroy. "Jor-El" says, I had known in the beginning that our son is not an ordinary one. He possesses many capabilities. We will have to rescue him. So he may get a good rank after growing. Then they send him far in spacecraft. "Jor-El" had also kept a key with his wife. Being sentimental, Jor-El's wife begins to weep. But they had to carry it out. 

Then General again approaches there. And he kills "Jor-El" after attacking him many times. It was a great mishap . Now he proceeds towards the spacecraft So he may attack it after stopping it. But Krypton's council gets this news. This council sends a fighter instantly to stop him. Spacecraft is prevented from any damage. When council's members know about it, that they kill "Jor-El". Then they imprison him as a punishment at a place. On the other side, baby's spacecraft is shown which had landed on the planet "Earth". And "Krypton" with its inhabitants was destroying there. Now the story moves to the current time. A fisherman named "Clark" is shown in a ship. He also used to possess the superhuman abilities. There is a aircraft which is crashing nearby place. "Clark" immediately reaches there and rescuers also appear there. Meantime, the tower is going to fall but "Clark" stops it falling, using his full powers. But that aircraft is exploded. As a result, "Clark" also falls into the water. He begins to remember his past. 

When he was a baby, Which type of the capabilities he possessed, He could look at the part of things and hear the sounds, coming at distance. He was also mightiest. Once his school bus had fallen into the water. And he had brought his school bus and kids out of the water. He himself did not know at that time as how did he do it. Clark's father used to says him. Look son! I know it that you possess the superhuman abilities. But understand it my son! Don't demonstrate it before the World. Worldly people gossip it. So he had to keep his powers secret. So he began to serve as a waiter in a hotel. He was fond of the travelling and discovering of the novel things. One day, he comes to know in his hotel by someone. That an old scout ship had been discovered at a place belonged to 20 thousand years ago. Knowing it, Clark's interest is developed in it. And he thinks to visit there. There was also a news reporter named "Lois". She had also visited here because she was also in search of enticing thing. That reporter begins to take the photos of that location as night falls. And she notices a man in the photos. He was no one else but "Clark". Who was flashing laser light from his eyes to find out the scout ship. And he was also melting the lying ice on the mountains. He searches for that scout ship favourably. There is a module in that scout ship. "Clark" had a strange key, He activates the central computer , keying it. Where he is able to communicate with his father "Jor-El" who says to "Clark", My son! You came. "Clark" says, How are you talking about? "Jor-El" tells, We all used to inhabit on "Krypton" planet. You are my son! Your mother and I sent you on this planet when "Krypton" planet was destroying. If there is my concern. 

I was killed in the greed of genetic codex by someone. He also reveals all about genetic codex. He tells that I had matched your DNA with the genetic codex DNA before sending you. So you possess many superhuman abilities. Use it perfectly and I also provide a costume for it! That reporter girl is also witnessing all. She begins to take the photos of that artificial intelligence model, coming inside, That artificial intelligence model attacks her. Consequently, she fells down. Then "Clark" brings her outside, lifting her up. Then "Clark" leaves, taking that scout ship. Reporter was shocked how any scout ship may be here. She goes to the supervisor of that news company for a discussion. Where she used to perform her job. She suggests, we should publish this news article! Supervisor says, I don't think so! It is not sure , just stop it here. But that reporter "Lois" wanted to share this news with someone. So she shares it with the other news reporter. On the other side, it is seen that "Clark" had turned into a "Superman". He was flying in the space without any fear. He wished to challenge everything fearlessly. Then that reporter "Lois" is shown who had reached Clark's house , taking his dress. Meeting his mother, she also visits the grave of his father. "Clark" also approaches there saying, Why are you chasing me? "Lois" tells, Because you look so awkward to me! Why are you hiding your superhuman abilities from the World? "Clark" says to her, Come ! I reveal a memorable incident of my life to you. He tells, One day, I was going with my father and mother to somewhere.
There was also our dog with us. But a big storm broke out there. But that tornado was engulfing everything. We all get off the car. But our dog left in the car. And the father went to rescue it. But he himself entrapped there. I wanted to help him, I could save him if I wanted. But he forbids me while gesticulating. Saying, Never reveal your superhuman abilities before anyone! I could not go near him so tornado also took him away with it. Now, he is no more today but I still remember his advice. Why should I bring my superhuman powers before the World If I could not rescue him. Then she says, You are doing well for the World! Carry on! Going to his mother, "Clark" tells, Mother, I have turned into "Superman". Now the secret has revealed to me why I was strong too much from the very beginning. Hearing it, his mother begins to shed tears with happiness. But she says with it, will you not go , leaving me? Then "Clark" says, What are you talking about! I will be with you. Then it is observed that soldiers had got some mysterious photos through satellite. Those photos were indicating that, As a spacecraft is moving towards the Universe. 

Then they receive a message that inhabitant of our planet is on your planet. We have come to take him away. In case of not returning, We will end your world. Hearing it, all get worried. But they had to resend "Clark" for their safety. Contrarily, the supervisor of the news company reveals this news to everyone. Because it was not a secret now. Then it is known that General has also approached in this planet from "Krypton" planet. Soldiers and many agents are searching for "superman". "Superman" did not want to create a havoc because of him. So going in front of them, he presents himself to them. He is brought into a room after seizing. Where "Lois" interrogates her while conversing. There is an adjusted glass there and military was also hearing them from its backside. "Clark" says going to that glass , You need not to keep an eye on me! I give my custody for the security for all of you! Don't worry! Just send me to them. So that you may remain safe. They also know through this conversation that he is not a bad man. Now "Superman" is brought into the open field , Where Krypton's planet inhabitants come to pick him. They request to the planet Earth's military, Let them take "Lois" with them! But military does not agree! Then "Lois" says, Don't worry! Let me go right now. Ans she accompanies them. "Lois" is imprisoned in a room, reaching "Krypton" planet. Now "General" comes to "superman". He says to "Superman", You also know about it that "Krypton" has destroyed now. So I need to go to the planet Earth to dwell there. So you will support me for this. Tell me where is genetic codex. "Superman" says "I don't know! Then General says, It means you want that I may bring into existence a new "Krypton", killing all of you. On the other side, "Lois" is shown in the chamber. She had the mysterious key of "Clark" which was given to her by him. She keys the spacecraft then "Jor-El" again appears there. He tells "Lois", I have made this spacecraft and aware of its all ways. Just do this what is told by me. He comes outside, taking her and they begin to attack them. General military also attacks them. Somehow, "Lois" returns to her World through a spacecraft with the help of "Jor-El". Now "Jor-El" goes to "superman" and says, You have enough power. Why are you not using it? You can break the door of spacecraft. "Superman" breaks its door with his full strength.

 Coming outside, he feels more powerful , basking in the sunlight. "Lois" who was moving to the planet "Earth" in the spacecraft, Her spacecraft begins to crash in the space. "Superman" goes there instantly and brings her down easily after rescuing. Then it is seen that General has also arrived on the planet of "Earth". He goes to the mother of "superman". He asks, Tell me! Where is your son? And where is that genetic codex? He begins to end her. At the same time "superman " appears there. He says , How dare you to touch my mother? Taking him from there , he begins to fly speedily. And he strikes him in the poles. General had put on a specific dress. The great battle is started between them. "superman" damages his helmet which creates a problem in his breathing. Taking the opportunity, "Superman" is about to kill him, Then General troops attack him. They bring General back to the planet "Krypton". The attendant of General tells him there that, Just bring "Superman" here, It is my duty to extract codex from his body! Either you may bring him dead or alive! I will extract the codex. Hearing it, "General is pleased. Because he was not comfortable on the planet "Earth". So he sends two machines there, releasing mysterious smoke. And that smoke was converting this planet's atmosphere like "Krypton" planet. As a result, inhabitants are afraid, Because the atmosphere of their planet was changing due to them. "Lois" moves to the army chief and says, It has been told to me by "Jor-El", As these machines can be destroyed if spacecraft in which I traveled here, is crashed with them. Then " Superman" says , coming there, Yes! You can destroy this machine, striking it with the spacecraft. And I came back after destroying the second machine.
Going there, "Superman" uses all his strength and he ruins that machine. On the opposite side, "Lois" and army chief are travelling in that spacecraft. But the main agent of General stops them, coming there. The spacecraft where they are present. The pilot says , I crash my spacecraft with that machine. I don't care of my life. I just want to save the World! Saying it, he crashes that spacecraft with that machine which causes machine's destruction. But "Lois" is also fallen down from it during this. She is still in the air then "Superman " rescues her, coming there. And they land on the ground as was in previous time. People were contented because of the destruction of both machines. They were pleased thinking they have survived. Then General again appears there. He says to "Superman" , You spoiled my played plan! I will finish you! Saying it, he attacks him. And there a great fight starts between them. They enter a building while fighting. There General begins to flash the same laser light from his eyes. He starts throwing this light on the innocent people in building, There was a threat of their life due to this. "Superman" forbids him much but he does not stop. So "Superman" has to kill him reluctantly. He did not want to act as such but he had to rescue the people. He begins to weep after killing him. After a time, It is seen that "Superman" who is "Clark", He goes to "Lois" for interview of a news reporter. "Lois" gives him a job and says to him while smiling, Welcome to the new planet! The movie also ends on this scene.