
Alita- The Battle Angel (2019) Explained | WebMagazine

It is told at the start of the film, This time is after 300 years of the World War. It means , a World war broke out before 300 years. Which causes the devastation of the whole World. A spaceship is shown there which was populated by the people of whole World. And the inhabitants of that spacecraft used to throw their garbage on Earth. One day, a scientist finds a robot in that garbage. it was not an ordinary robot but such a robot, Which is half human and half machine. That scientist brings that robot to his house, lifting it. And he repairs that robot perfectly. He fixes a new body with it.

Next day, that robot wakes up which was a female. And it was excited, getting a new body. Then that female robot asks scientist , Who am I? How have I come here? From where have I come? The scientist himself is unaware as where she has come from. So doctor does not tell it anything. But doctor just tells it, Your half body had been damaged when we got you in the garbage. But your brain was sound. Afterwards, we mended your body. It means that we attached a new human body with you. After this, doctor shows it this World. That female robot gets excited, viewing this city. And it also glimpses that spacecraft. She asks the scientist, What is it? Is this a World? The doctor tells it, It was the last remaining city after World war. And its name is "Sky City". There is a pleasant life in"Sky City". Everyone wishes to go there. Because upper class resides there while lower class inhabits in our World. Then the doctor names that robot. He says, Your name is "Alita" now on. "Alita" is pleased , hearing its name. The doctor also tells "Alita", All inhabitants of Earth serve "Sky City". Because "Sky City" has many fields, industries and factories. After this, "Alita" meets a boy named "Hugo". "Hugo" compliments Alita's body, seeing it. Because its body was robotic which was strong enough. "Alita" and "Hugo" are befriended nicely. 

At the same night, a girl is murdered in that city. Actually, there was a serial killer in that city who used to kill girls after grabbing them. Afterwards, he used to sell their body parts. At the same night, "Alita" witnesses doctor , who was returning to home from somewhere. "Alita" observes that scientist's hands are blood stained. Seeing, it doubts that doctor may be the killer behind the occurred murders of city. In the following day, scientist's wife appears to meet him. Because they were divorced. Here it is revealed that the adjusted human body with "Alita", In fact, it is the body of his daughter. His daughter was no more so it donated her body to "Alita". After this, "Hugo" takes "Alita" along with him for playing game. And this game was well known game of the city. "Alita" fascinates others while playing this game perfectly. "Alita" also wins that game. "Hugo" takes "Alita" at his best loved place later. It was the roof of a building where the sight of whole city could be viewed. And "Sky City" was also looking nearer from here. There is also a biggest pipe. "Hugo" tells that, All objects come on the Earth from "Sky City" through this pipe. I am struggling hard to go to the "Sky City". Remember!c I will surely reach there. "Alita" asks, How does this "Sky City" look? "Hugo" says to it, in fact doctor had discovered you from the garbage. And that garbage was of that "Sky City". It means that you have come from "Sky City". But "Alita" did not possess a little memory about it. And she had forgotten her past. Actually, she had lost her memory. 

Next day, doctor goes out of the house. And "Alita" chases him. Here "Alita" comes to know that doctor is not a killer, But he is rather a "Hunter-Warrior", "Hunter- Warriors" are those who end the criminals. Then dead bodies of the killers are taken to the factory later. A heavy reward is received in the place of them. Here "Alita" knows about the reality of the doctor. At the same time, the serial killer approaches there. He was the same killer who was ending the girls, living in the city. Then "Alita" bravely confronts that killer. It beats enough which compels him to flee. While "Alita" succeeds to kill the other killer. Then doctor and "Alita" move to the factory, taking that killer's head. Where they get the reward of 20$ in place of that head. Afterwards, doctor reveals his tale to "Alita". How did he become "Hunter-warrior"? And why did it happen? He tells, it is the story of that time, When my wife, daughter and I used to live together. One day, they made a robot. And that robot abducted their daughter, coming into their house. After this incident, that doctor angered enough on that robot. And the doctor damaged his own made robot. Then the doctor became "Hunter-warrior" right after that. Then a man comes on the scene named "Vector". In fact, "Vector" was the head of the "Race game". It was "Vector" who used to arrange this game. Doctor's wife can also be seen with "Vector". Here it is revealed that doctor's wife is playing a trick accompanying "Vector". Because "Vector" had promised her that, He will send her to the "Sky City". So doctor's wife herself is a doctor but also serves for "Vector". Then the same robot is shown who was spoiled by "Alita". That robot moves to " Vector". It tells him that, "Alita" is the cause behind my body distortion. "Vector" says ill to the robot, commenting, Have you come back after being beaten by a little girl. Robot reveals that is not a little girl but strongest. "Vector" says to the robot, Now it is your mission that, you have to bring "Alita" before me after damaging it. Then "Hugo" takes "Alita" to view that race game. He also tells "Alita", The winner of this game is sent to "Sky City". Hearing it, "Alita" gets excited. Then "Hugo" takes "Alita" to show a ship. He tells, It is the ship of the opponents which belongs to the time 300 years ago. That ship fascinates "Alita" when she casts a glance at it. So "Alita" moves to that ship, jumping into the water. "Alita" also discovers a high technological body in the ship. "Alita" returns to the doctor, taking that body. He says to the doctor, fix this body with it, replacing . It means , adjust this body with my head. But doctor refuses to carry it out. He tells, this body is mighty , having fixed weapons with it. You will become so menacing if this body will be fixed with you. Too threatening! That you will kill the people and devastate the World. "Alita" becomes aggressive , facing this refusal. Afterwards, "Alita" moves to the factory. Going there, it decides that it is also "Hunter-Warrior" now on. It goes to a club along with "Hugo". All hunters of the city were there. And it provokes everyone. That we should eradicate the robot of "Vector". Because it is the same killer, taking the lives of the whole city. And it is also ending other people. One of the hunters makes "Alita" a laughing stock. He says, having a little size, how will you kill someone! And How have you become a "Hunter-Warrior". Hearing it, "Alita" beats him while confronting enough. And he is fallen backside. Witnessing it, all hunters are left shocked. Meanwhile , Vector's robot appears there. Which had increased in size now. Because doctor's wife had upgraded it. Coming there, that robot assaults "Alita". And "Alita" also attacks it in return. And that robot enters a tunnel to save his life. Then "Alita" also moves to that underground place while chasing him. A tough fight is held between both of them In the end, that robot spoils "Alita". And it dismembers its body. At the same time, "Hugo" and the doctor arrive there. They beat that robot, confronting it. And they burn its body. Then that robot flees from there in order to secure its life. Doctor brings Alita's damaged body at home. Alita's body had fully damaged. Having no option, that doctor fixes that body with "Alita". Which he had discovered from the ship.

 Next morning, when "Alita" awakens, It feels comfortable because it had got a new body. It was mighty and equipped. And the fire can also be produced through that body. Getting this new body, "Alita" feels pleasure. In the coming day, "Alita" goes to meet "Hugo" to show its robotic body. Observing its equipped body, "Hugo" likes it and feels good. He is also impressed. Here "Hugo" reveals to "Alita", I want to go to "Sky City" soon. But everyone needs scores to go there. And these scores can be gained after killing someone or winning the race game. Hearing it, "Alita" gives its robotic heart to "Hugo", pulling it out. And it says, Take my robotic heart! Sell it ! In this way, you will get some scores. Then you may go to "Sky City". And the robotic heart of "Alita" is not an ordinary one. But it possesses much power. And that robotic heart is as stronger that, This city may avail the electricity for many months from this robotic heart. Because this robotic heart contains energetic rays. But "Hugo" forbids to take Alita's robotic heart. He says. I don't need it. You may keep it safe in your possession. Because your robotic heart is very necessary. He says, You should take part in race game! Because I am sure that you may win the race! We both will move to the "Sky City" if you win the game. Hearing it, "Alita" immediately consents. And she gets ready to take part in the game. And she wanted to carry it out for "Hugo" because of her affections for him. Afterwards, "Vector" arrives on the scene who hires the hunters and killers to end "Alita". He says to everyone, In case you kill "Alita" in race. Then I will give you 5 million scores. Which is basic to go to "Sky City". 

Then that hunter is seen, Who had been beaten in the club by "Alita". And he wanted to take revenge from "Alita" on his humiliation. Now he was going to take this revenge from "Hugo". Ending a man, he alleges "Hugo". Now "Hugo" was under the allegation to end someone, So he had become criminal. On the other hand, "Alita" appears. Who had taken a part in race which was going to start. All killers in the race become opponents of "Alita". So they assault "Alita". But "Alita" was also equal to them. So she continues to kill them, confronting them one by one. Then "Alita" receives the call of "Hugo". He tells that hunter has become my opponent. And he wants to end my life. Then "Alita" goes to rescue "Hugo", leaving that race. Reaching there, "Alita" beats the hunter violently. While it is revealed in the whole city that "Hugo" has become a criminal. He was also wanted. As the capturer will get 30$ as a reward. Then the city police arrive there to end "Hugo". Because everyone was agreed on this point of view that, "Hugo" is a criminal so it is essential to end him. So all say to "Alita", put "Hugo" into death! But "Alita" does not kill him. But the hunter ends "Hugo" , attacking with a sword. And "Hugo" is taking his last breaths here. At first sight, "Hugo" is finished. Then doctor's wife comes there, Who says to "Alita", Cut Hugo's head! Because we will adjust a body with his head. And we will make him a robot. Because doctor's wife had turned into a gentlelady now. And she wanted to do it so that "Hugo" may revive again. And "Alita" does here the same. Dissecting Hugo's head, she brings it before everyone. Later, it takes Hugo's head to the doctor. Where doctor fixes another body with Hugo's head after his operation. As a result, "Hugo" is revived again. "Hugo" and "Alita" get excited because "Hugo" had the robotic body now like "Alita". Doctor informs "Alita" that "Vector" cheats everyone. Because he says after deceiving that I will send you to "Sky City" while giving amount of money. 

Even no human goes to "Sky City" , paying the amount of money. And no one can go to "Sky City". But only the inhabitants of "Sky City" can go there and also inhabit there. And the winner of race can go to the "Sky City" from this World. Otherwise, no can visit there. Doctor also tells "Alita", My wife and I had born in the "Sky city". And we had arrived here for the treatment of our daughter. After that, they entrapped here. Hearing it, "Alita" gets angry. And she leaves to kill "Vector". "Alita" directly moves to the factory and she is attacked by the machines of "Vector". But "Alita" has a mighty and a robotic body now. So "Alita" was continuously killing everyone one by one. Damaging all machines and robots, "Alita" goes to "Vector" to end him. But the robot of "Vector" appears there. It wounds "Alita" while attacking it. And she falls down. Then "Alita" restores her memory relevant to the past. As its memory is retained which had been lost. "Alita" remembers that she had been a warrior and also took part in that World War, Which had held about 300 years ago. But "Alita's all friends and companions met their end in that war. But "Alita" was also thrown into the garbage, wounding her badly. Here "Alita" restores its memory thinking that this has been done by the owner of "Sky City". And he had also ended all the companions of "Alita". Here "Alita" remembers, My mission is to slay the owner of "Sky City". Remembering these fact, "Alita" becomes sentimental. That it lost all its companions. And it is also becomes aggressive. Then that robot attacks "Alita". And "Alita" dismembers that robot, attacking with its sword. At the same time, "Alita" also attacks "Vector", using its sword. And "Vector" is dead at the spot. Receiving doctor's call, "Alita" comes to know that, "Hugo" is moving to "Sky City", climbing up those pipes. Then "Alita" also moves up while chasing him. It instructs him, You need not to go to the "Sky City". Because there is nothing upside. We will lead our lives , living in this World. Hearing "Alita", "Hugo" agrees. But the owner of the "Sky City" was witnessing it from upside. So he attacks them with his weapon. Consequently, Hugo's whole body is dismembered. At the same time, "Alita" holds his hand. But "Alita" loses the grip of "Hugo" accidentally.S So he falls down from a great distance. Losing "Hugo", "Alita" is much grieved. And she starts weeping. 

Now "Alita" decides, That going to "Sky City", it will end the owner of that city. Because it wanted to take revenge of Hugo's death. It is seen that "Alita" has also won that race. And it points its sword upside to the "Sky City". And it says to the owner of "Sky City", I am coming to kill and take revenge from you! Behold! I will make you worst and not leave you alive! And the movie also completes on this scene.